

Hi, I'm Mario S. Mommer, and I love applications of mathematics to the real world.

Everything about it. Especially making them work, that is, making them efficient, precise, and long lasting assets for my customers. I used to have a university career, which was quite enjoyable during the postdoc years, but at the end it wasn't for me. So I left academia and started working for industry as an independent consultant, which allowed me to continue from one really interesting project to another. And from one satisfied customer to another satisfied customer.

I help all kinds of engineers, inventors, and scientist to realize their amazing technological visions by helping them unlock the potential of modern mathematical machinery. I make available to them a lot of experience with numerical methods, optimization methods, simulation methods, i.e. scientific computing. Together with ample experience in software engineering on a variety of platforms and programming languages.

How we work together

Initial consulting is free. Just drop me an email and suggest a time for a phone call. You don't have to know anything about mathematical optimization.

If you want me to sign an NDA before we talk about your project - of course, no problem, as long as it is reasonable.

The customers ecosystem

As a consultant it is for me of paramount importance to support the customer's goals within his or her ecosystem, which means respecting existing commitments to technologies, methodologies, or software. In real life applications there quite often exist theoretically better solutions that are infeasible for all kinds of reasons, often practical. These are all issues I take great care in understanding before proposing solutions.

This is especially so for projects where I am involved after they started. The point is to ensure success and not to start over.

Academic career

For a list of publications you can check my profile at google scholar.


Period Occupation Financing
Since 2022 Founder and managing director of the "Modelling, Simulation and Optimization Mommer AB" M. S. O. Mommer AB
Since 2014 Founder and managing director of the "Modellierung und Systemoptimierung Mommer GmbH" M. S. Mommer GmbH
2013 (April-Juli) Interim Professorship (Special lecture "Optimization under Uncertainties") Heidelberg University
2008-2013 Postdoc at the Simulation and Optimization Group (Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. H. G. Bock) BMBF Programme "Mathematik in der Industrie"
2006-2008 BIOMS-Postdoc at the IWR, Uni Heidelberg BIOMS
2005-2006 Postdoc at Universiteit Utrecht (at the group of Prof. Dr. Rob Stevenson) EU-TMR "Wavelets and Multiscale Methods in Numerical Simulation"
1998-2005 Doctoral studies at RWTH-Aachen, Numerical Analysis Group (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dahmen) Academic employee
1990-1998 Mathematics at the Universidad de Los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela)